Monday, September 6, 2010

Departure from LHR on Saturday 4th September

BA0229 took off nearly an hour late from LHR. After all the planning I was finally on my way to Baltimore in the US, on the first leg of my Travelling Fellowship. The flight was very pleasant. The 8 hour flight soon passed as I chatted to my neighbour and then spent time reading the in-flight magazine, newspapers, the latest WCMT newsletter and planning notes.

I landed at Baltimore’s Thurgood Marshall International Airport around 2015. After the full 10 digit finger-printing and photograph, my passage through immigration was made very easy after the officer was shown my letter of introduction from the WCMT.

I emerged from the baggage area to warm greetings and a bouquet of flowers from two young ladies whom I have mentored over the years. My heart was truly warmed to see how they had both blossomed. My visit to ‘charm city’ had started. I plan to spend the next couple of days gaining my orientation and preparing for my meeting with Professor Epstein on 7th September. .